With the new USB-to-CAN compact, IXXAT offers a very reasonable CAN interface for USB in a small, handy case.The interface has an USB port version 1.1 with 12 Mbit/s, a SJA1000 CAN controller as well as a CAN bus interface according to ISO/IS 11898-2, with a Sub-D9 plug conform to CiA DS102. The operating mode of the device and of the CAN controllers is displayed via LEDs.Equipped with the Infineon C161 microcontroller, a 256k byte flash memory and 128k RAM, the interface has enough performance to receive bursts of CAN messages, provide them with a timestamp and send them to the PC via USB without losing data, even at high data rates and large bus loads.The supply voltage (5 V DC) is provided via the USB-bus.The scope of delivery of the USB-to-CAN compact consists of the IXXAT universal VCI CAN-driver, which allows the operation of IXXAT tools and the creation of customers’ own applications, as well as a simple monitoring-tool. With its common API, the VCI-driver allows the use of all CAN cards offered by IXXAT under Windows 98, Me, 2000 and XP.Further information on the USB-to-CAN compact is available under www.ixxat.de
Ixxat Product Support HMS technical supports provides you with all the manuals, certificates, software, application notes, configuration files, FAQ's. Home / Technical Support / Support / Ixxat Product Support. Technical Support. Select your product area or directly enter the order number. IXXAT Automation: IXXAT USB-to-CAN V2 Interface The new IXXAT USB-to-CAN V2 interface connects over USB 2.0 at 480 Mbps, enabling very high data throughput with minimum latency and lower power consumption. This content was submitted directly to this website by the supplier. Info: Model: IXXAT VCI (Virtual Communication Interface) V.4.0 / 3.0 Driver Vendor: IXXAT Automation GmbH Version: 4.0.793, v., v. Operating. IXXAT Automation GmbH IXXAT Inc. 15 120 Bedford Center Road D-88250 Weingarten USA-Bedford, NH 03110 Tel.: +49 (0)7 51 / 5 61 46-0 Phone: +1-603-471-0800.
About IXXAT Automation GmbHIxxat Vci V3 Driver
Based on more than 10 years of continuous growth of the Steinbeis-Transferzentrums ProzeĂźautomatisierung (stzp), the IXXAT Automation GmbH was established in 1998 in order to meet the increased demand for services, products and system solutions. From the beginning, stzp was, due to numerous innovative contributions, involved in the now world-wide successful introduction of CAN as the industrial communications standard, especially in the fields of industrial automation as well as mobile applications. IXXAT is an active member of all important committees of the CiA (CAN in Automation). After years of focusing on the fields of CAN technology, we also offer Intranet and Internet solutions as well as TCP/IP based products and services as another main effort of IXXAT Automation.As of January 2000, IXXAT provides work for 35 employees, predominantly engineers skilled in electronic engineering and computer science and has a certified quality assurance management according to ISO9001.Our customers are well-known companies all over the world which are located in the industrial and automotive area.IXXAT supports its customers completely in the establishment and application of communication systems based on CAN and TCP/IP, from seminars and consulting, hard- and software outlining, development and implementation of hard- and software solutions, to the supply of a complete product line.Did you enjoy this great article?
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